
Let it die pc pause
Let it die pc pause

  • Rarely, the player may repeatedly die when dismounting some Shade turrets.
  • Rarely, some doors may not unlock as expected after dying.
  • Here are some specific scenarios that the team is aware of: These issues can be resolved by restarting the mission. On occasion, players may be unable to progress the current mission. This option will not reset side mission objectives as expected, but the player's position will revert to a recent checkpoint and enemies near the side mission will respawn.
  • Selecting Restart Mission in the pause menu may prompt players to restart active side missions (such as Banished Outposts or High Value Targets).
  • The console's OS version will be listed in the Console Info menu.
  • Select the Console Info button in the System menu.
  • Navigate to the System tab of the Settings menu.
  • Open the Settings menu on your Xbox console.
  • To find your console's OS version, follow the steps below:
  • If you are unable to enter the campaign menu after closing and restarting Halo Infinite multiple times, please submit a ticket and include your console's OS version.
  • Workaround: Close and relaunch Halo Infinite to access the campaign.
  • On Xbox consoles, players who have purchased Halo Infinite's campaign digitally may be erroneously prompted to purchase it again in-game.
  • If you enter this unresponsive state, close and relaunch Halo Infinite.
  • Workaround: Wait until the active loading is complete then exit out of the gameplay via the pause menu.
  • When the blue loading banner is visible in near the bottom of a menu, cancelling that active load by navigating to another mode's lobby may result in the game entering an unresponsive state.
  • Speed lines are always visible, even when disabled in the Settings menu.
  • Use the pause menu to return to the main menu then close Halo Infinite as preferred.


    To avoid this issue, do not use close the game via outside methods (such as Task Manager on PC or powering off the PC/console) while in active Campaign gameplay.Progress earned in a save file can be inadvertently overwritten or, in some cases, corrupted by forcing Halo Infinite to close during active gameplay then loading a different save file on the next launch.The Dropwall will correctly despawn if another Dropwall is deployed. The Drop Wall equipment may respawn rather than despawn if it is taking damage at the same time as its cooldown timer resets.Workaround: Close Halo Infinite and reload the save game on the main menu.Fast traveling while dead may cause an endless load screen.Equipment upgrades cannot be purchased in the Upgrades menu while using the Linear Navigation accessibility feature.UI Narration may not read some collectibles information when starting a mission.

    let it die pc pause

    When you purchase the Halo Infinite Campaign in-game, there may be a delay of several minutes while the purchase is processed before you can play.That article includes global issues that can impact Campaign. If your issue is not covered by this article, please check Halo Infinite Multiplayer Known Issues.

    Let it die pc pause